Sunday 22 July 2012

Fifty Shades of Grey

What is the book everyone is going on about? O.o

When I went to the land of Essexia the other day with Kaerith and Mrs C. we looked inside WHSmith and shopped inside Tesco in which I noticed a particular book has gained quite a lot of popularity being continually put on display. Its called 'Fifty Shades of Grey' by E.L. James. The book had a picture of a tie on it and after typing Rihanna into google news the book was mentioned again, when a fan tweeted the singer to read it she replied to them to go eff themselves, "#phuckyoamateurs" was what she said specifically. Okay RiRi no need to start some more twitter beef. O.o

But seriously, what is it with books gaining so much popularity and its been over a year since they were released. The Hunger Games was not a new book, it only became very hyped when the film was released and then people began to notice the books. However, having read and seen The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins I can say that popularity is understandable as the book is excellent and has a fantastic and emotional plot line. But Fifty Shades of Grey unfortunately I have not read yet and upon reading the plot on wikipedia, its quite a controversial book. Touching upon topics of S&M, sadism, bondage and masochism. I guess that explains the sequels in the trilogy I saw in WHSmith in which I saw handcuffs as one of the front covers.But I do wonder about its popularity. Are people reading it because its the latest trend, a movie is being made of it, its controversial topics, or the fact its in the genre of erotic fiction and they need something to steam it up. Or is it just that a GOOD BOOK. For those of you who have read it. Would you recommend it?
I'm guessing the tie on the front cover refers to one of the protagonists is the billionaire entrepreneur, Christian Grey who I'm guessing like with all business men likes to wear a tie. Hence the cover.


  1. Nope. No. Not recommended. Not at all. It's like Twilight (which makes sense, since it originally started life as a Twilight fanfiction) in that it's ridiculously popular when actually... it's just awful.

    I did try reading it, but I just couldn't manage to get through it. The writing is horrendous in parts, and the smut is even worse. It's not the fact that it's smut that's the problem; it's the fact that it's some of the worst written smut I've ever read. (Thereby admitting I read a lot of smut on the internets, but eh. >>;;)

    There's huge problems with the whole portrayal of the BDSM concepts as well. They've taken some toys and terminology from the BDSM scene, but completely missed the relationship that goes with it. Really basic things like communication, mutual understanding, and both of them being into what they're doing. What happens instead is that Grey dictates to Ana what they're going to do, and whether Ana actually wants to or not (and it's usually not) isn't even a consideration. Because Grey is the 'Dom', and, as far as the book is concerned, isn't that what Doms do?


    Ahem. Sorry. But the problem is... some people will actually believe that that is how BDSM and relationships in general work, and that it's all fine and dandy. A lot will believe that, apparently, given how popular it is. Which a really dangerous message to be sending.

    Aaaaand I think I may have gotten completely off the point, sorry. The subject gives me a lot of angry feels. So, uh, what was the question? Is it recommended? No. Never.

    (Unless you want to try and read it for the sheer awfulness like I did, but I take no responsibility for the state of your brain after. >>)

    1. Thank you so much telling me this. That's a real shame. It also makes a lot of sense, when comparing it to Twilight, its a novel that's gained popularity for the wrong reasons. :)
