Wednesday 13 February 2013

That unspoken fear

Uneasy confession

I have began to notice something alittle unsettling about myself recently. No matter how hard I try there are durations of time I began  to slowly spiral into a sense of such hopelessness. I am finding it harder to ask for help and though no one will admit it, they do have consequences. This is my only outlet and I hope it suffices, I pray it does.
Today I feel as if this another long uphill climb and the end result will be nought but misery. My health has began to spiral out of control again. My muscles are tensing and these deadlines are continuous. They used to have small breaks and though small made a difference. But now they are just continually thrown at me.

 I'm suffering from Insomnia again.
I have given up hope in going to the Doctors. Each time I book an appointment it has to be in a week's time unless it's deemed 'an emergency'. When I do get there and I explain my situation all I am given is a prescription that just tackles my symptoms whilst destroying some other part of my body. On top of that I have to pay money. I thought I could apply for a health form to exemplify myself from such costs but after looking online it appears I do not qualify. I deal with my health by drinking plenty of fluids, trying to get as much sleep as possible and only using medication when I cannot physically cope anymore.
Yesterday I sent in my application for staying on Uni accommodation for next year. The deposit has crippled me financially and there's nothing I can do about it.
I considered finding a job again but then I remembered something. There are no jobs. Flashback to the day I went to every shop only to be told to go online to their website and the following words:
We currently have no vacancies
You do have the skills to do this job
And these are jobs that pay so poorly I wonder why should I even bother trying to impress such people who will pay me less than £7 an hour for standing up all day smiling, working to the bone and at the same time appreciate the job, even when the wage is bearly enough?!
There are then those moments when I reach the eye of the storm. Everyone tells me everything is going to be alright and I disillusion myself that it will be fine. But then I reach this state again. I just plug my headphones into my ears and want to shut the world out. 

Irrational Thoughts

I have realized I think very irrationally at times and have some obsessive tendencies. I am also paranoid. It's a constant fight to try reaffirm which thoughts are normal and which are not. When I go shopping I never noticed it before till watching a documentary but I always feel self-conscious and think everyone around me is looking at me, judging me. I realized that is an example of an irrational thought and in a way has helped me distinguish that my mind can sometimes turn against me. Each time I now go shopping ina  supermarket and that thought enters my head that people are looking at me, I fight it and say in my head:
No you are being paranoid. Nobody cares, they are living their own lives and you are being irrational.
And after that, I am back to shopping in peace. However, I wish I could say this thinking can help with my other problems. 

I have never been diagnosed with Depression and I do not wish to. When you are labelled with a mental illness it denies you job opportunities and a record which does nothing but bad. A month ago I walked into the University counselling centre and found some pamphlets and was considering booking an appointment with a counselor  I do not like talking to people about my problems, I love to rant and complain about ridiculous things that happen and laugh about it afterwards with friends. But serious problems I cannot cope with and I know there is no easy solution, or problems which I know 100% for sure people will be judge me upon that if they even say they won't, cause let's face it. As humans we cannot help to judge, it's in our nature. 

But anyway back to the health centre. Why did I not see the counselor? Two reasons:
1) The first was an advertisement I saw before entering. It was about an MP, someone who worked for David Cameron who had something like Depression. When being hired by Cameron the man asked him if he knew he had a record of mental illness and Cameron replied that he did and didn't see what the fuss was. After that the man made a point that though it was not a problem for him to work in parliament however statistics show people with record of mental illnesses have difficulty getting a job to a person with no record of mental illnesses even with 1 in 4 people having a mental illness in the country. 
I made a decision to leave that instant and didn't go back. I was not thinking irrationally. My future looks so bleak and the moment, I find it so hard to find a job even without handicaps attached to my name and this made me decide against it.

2) Reason 2 was the counselor itself. My mum did a basic counselling course and told me what they learnt as they did the course. A counselor never offers advice, their job is to listen to your problems in a non-judgmental manner. It is through these sessions you come to your own decision about what to do next. But the thing that bothered me the most is if the counselor would be nice?
I know that sounds ridiculous but after talking to a friend who I knew had been to seen one I asked if they felt comfortable and happy with the counselor. I wasn't satisfied with the response and it backed up my fears of before. 
Counselors are empathetic, not sympathetic and because I am not paying money for the one the University provides I am randomly allocated to one and seeing as my luck is bad there is a chance I could have landed sessions with a counselor I was not comfortable discussing my problems with. 

What is it I have?

I keep doubting I have depression. My family history include gum cancers and allergy problems but I have no idea what mental health is like. As well as that, these episodes of down don't fit into the criteria of Depression but this isn't sadness either. 
I think sometimes I have it because: 
1) I feel numb inside, like I'm dead
2) Irrational thoughts multiply so badly, really bad frame of mind sentences that reek of pessimism for example, "There's no point in trying, I'm just going to fail", "There's no point bothering"
3) Loss of interest in pretty much everything. TV, work, reading, playing video games, writing even writing my blog! All I can do is just plug my headphones and pray I can ride it out.

4) Suicidal Thoughts. These occur when I feel completely trapped particularly when my eczema and urticaria combine with Insomnia leaving me in constant pain all over. That on top of bad feedback on essays with no encouragement or advice, feeling numb, lack of sleep, loathing of my ugly reflection in the mirror due to all the ailments building up it is explainable I suppose. 
5) It keeps coming back and when it does I feel they last longer than before. 
6) Whenever I hear someone talking about depression seriously, like they're drowning in a  room full of people in silence or I hear why Sylvia Plath's novel, The Bell Jar is called so because of the feeling of depression is like being trapped inside a bell jar struggling to breathe I actually understand that feeling. And I am one of those people that can not fully understand a feeling unless I have experienced it first hand. Everyone else around me thinks the word 'Depression' means sadness. Sadness to me is a shallow emotion that passes over you like a rain cloud and makes us human. Whilst Depression is like this deep hollowness you want desperately to just go away because it just eats away turning you into someone who becomes indifferent to just about everything. And though I have never reached that state I fear it going down that path. 
7) The triggers are sometimes unexpected things colours, memories etc. Grey Clouds I have discovered are one of the reasons that I feel so dead inside sometimes. When the sun comes out I feel as if I'm free. The blue sky, the sun shine makes me feel like I can do anything whilst when I see Grey clouds and I don't mean a few grey clouds against blue sky but just Grey sky completely. I feel myself spiralling slowly into that state again, and if that weather continues into the next day well... 
8) I used to be able to listen to all types of Happy music. Before I could NOT physically stand sad music. To me, stimuli that initiates a downer on the mood is a big No No. But lately all I can seem to want to listen to is Depressing music. For some reason it's the only thing I can stand, whilst other songs are shouting about getting up and dancing and alienating me because I do not feel like that, I seek refuge in lyrics that make me feel this feeling is normal. People do go through this and believe it or not but eventually there is light at the end of the tunnel. 
9) I think back to the Past and I realize I was a lot happier as a person. After this thought I have come to the conclusion this feeling is a result of my experiences not genetics. Especially at University  coming from a home with a large family to living by myself and struggling with work and supporting myself. 

Reasons I think I do not have depression:
1) Though they vary with symptoms. The NHS and other Health Organisations say an important factor in determining Depression is time. So someone with Depression has to have that feeling continually for at least six months so it's not misdiagnosed for just a temporary downer. Thankfully, I have respites from this horrible feeling. At least I have that relief. 
2)  This one symptom makes me doubt I have it a lot. Physically not being able to get out of bed. It's the one symptom I have never experienced. When I hear that symptom it scares me because it's like it's over. There's a side of me that wants to give up and then there's the side that doesn't want to as if the finish line is alittle further and hope is around the corner. 
When the thought to give up begins my mind goes into a war and my thoughts follow an argument as follows:
If you give up that's it. You'll fail, you won't find a job, you'll health worsen and you'll have no money to pay for the treatment, this will lead you to being trapped only this time there really is no hope because you have no exits failing a degree. 
And then I get up even if it hurts. Even if I sit at the back of the lecture indifferent because if I give up there is an ugly thought that creeps along that basically goes well if you give up what's to stop you taking your own life?
Not just that, but also I entered University with a purpose. I wanted to meet new people, make friendships and memories, I wanted to become a better person, at the end leave with a qualification that will help me make a difference to people's lives as well as help me earn a living and change my family's situation. 
I guess in a way I'm someone who has alot of great expectations and many of them have been let down. I used to love science but according to my tutor I am just about scraping passes in modules. My brain switches off after 10 minutes of monotone droning of a lecture. I miss the days of secondary school when we'd interact as a class with the teacher and discuss the ethics of cloning or involved in group tasks of drawing the human anatomy. These days all I keep thinking is: I need to keep going to get that degree NOT isn't this fun? Wasn't that a enjoyable lesson? I feel so inspired to do THIS!
My aspirations and dreams have been put out by University. It's funny but I remember a conversation I had with my biology teacher, Mrs Christmas. It was the last few weeks of our last year and I remember saying I could not wait to leave secondary school. Mrs Christmas told me I'd miss it and I replied saying never. Back then University sounded like this amazing route to self-independence. 
Now? It's a place where you pay a lot of money for actually not as much as you expected. If you want to see a lecturer, you can't just go to them whenever you like with teachers in secondary school you have to book an appointment. You're an adult. Everything is your responsibility. 
And yet why do I not feel like one? Just floating in this empty space watching people struggle to bring out some pennies to pay for a rising bus fare. 
Why is there never a bridge to these giant steps? We're just thrown in the deep end and expected to start swimming. And what happens if some of us have anchors tied to our legs? Baggage that makes us swimming that much harder. 
"Life is tough, you just got to ride it out"
"Welcome to the real world"
"Talk to our helpline"
"Sorry we can't help you, go to this department which is now closed because it's lunch break (Wherever the hell I have to trek to next)"
Sorry that turned into a rant. Like I said at the beginning, this is my only outlet. But back to Depression. So because I can get out of my bed and face the world and face Uni even after being told I am shit at doing my work even after putting everything I got into it the fact I can still face it even still battered by my own body turning against me must mean it's just a phase. 
When you are expected to be independent in University in every aspect of your life it's easy when you only have to fight one war, that of you against the world. But when it comes to fighting two wars. One with the world that acts so ruthless towards you and a second one with yourself to keep hanging on it begins to make sense how one is not coping. 
3) This phase worsened when I came to University.
4) I'm probably just reaching my breaking point and need a breather. Decided I need a Gap Year after a finish my degree. Take a break from year after year of study and exams. 
5) I have also had a fear recently that I might be bipolar. I can experience feelings of euphoria between these bouts of numbness. Like I can take on the world, do my best and then come crashing down when things take a turn for the worse. But after watching a documentary and reading the symptoms I honestly do not think I have it. If I did I would have been expelled or unable to go outside. And though these feelings torture me inside, I can still put on a brave face and head outside. 

Stigmas and Closure

Like I said before. I do not like talking about my problems, particular ones of this nature. There is still such a stigma associated with mental illnesses. People still think of stereotypes when they hear jargon like 'Clinical Depression' 'Schizophrenia' 'Bipolar Disorder'. There is a look of pity and they label you with the words, 'Unstable', 'Crazy' or 'Loopy'. And these aren't removable labels. They blot health records, stick to you and somehow seem to define you. It doesn't help that the medical approach these days is to just shove anti-depressants down your throat. I'm all for medicine helping with symptoms don't get me wrong but I have a big problem with using medication long-term to relieve symptoms and yet does nothing to tackle the cause of the problem. I also think society has a big role to play in it. 1 in 4 people have a mental illness. If you think about that, that's a really scary statistic. 
Now look at all the austerity measures, unemployment rising and then you realise keeping it together is actually a tab bit tougher. 
Putting on the brave face.

Monday 24 December 2012

My Skin

This is a poem about my three going onto four years of experience with my skin. The poem is explicit and personal as it deals with something I have been trying to deal with for over three years that has affected my self-esteem and confidence. One way I have learnt to deal with it is writing recently. Hope you enjoy it or find it amusing and to anyone also going through eczema, urticaria or other skin conditions, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Peace~ A

My Skin
My skin
I scratch
I scratch hard
I never stop
Even when I start to bleed
I see the Doctor
Eczema they say
Eczema?! I say
Steroid cream they say
Okay I say

I scratch
I scratch hard
I never stop
Even with this cream on
I see the Doctor
No cure they say
More cream will do the trick!
I read the side effects
Thins the skin it say
Damage my skin it will
I don’t want this cream

Give me something else I say
More creams
Moisturise Motherfucker!
Is that all there is?
I itch
I scratch
I bleed more
I look in the mirror
Why has it not cracked?
Dark circles from insomnia
I look fucking ugly

Be optimistic they say
I’ll try I reply
But it spreads
To my legs
To my face
To my neck
To my torso
It won’t stop!
I go to Doctor
And beg on my knees
They give strange cream
This cream could give cancer
But I say fuck it
I need this relief from this Purgatory

I’m freed from the Eczema
But my body say no
You suppress the immune system?!
Big time payback bitch
They come to collect their interest
Every time I sweat
Or emotions overwhelm
Hives erupt
What in heaven’s above is this?
I go to Doctor
Urticaria they say
No cure they say
Cheer up they say
Buy more drugs
Suffer in silence
I fear my sweat
I quit fencing
I stop running
Anything and everything that makes me sweat

I touch my skin
It feels rough
Like it belongs to a snake
Not a teenage boy
You used to be my birthday suit
Now I want nothing more than to rip you off
Reincarnate into a new body
All you ever give me is Hell
Three fucking years it’s been
Eczema, Urticaria and Blood
The story of my skin

Friday 14 December 2012

Project Dark Cloud 3

It's time Level-5 acknowledge their fans want Dark Cloud 3 once and for all!!!!! January 22-25th 2013

This January  from the 22nd to the 25th Level-5 is releasing Wrath of the White Witch in North America and Europe. Many fans of Level-5 for many years have been craving for a Dark Cloud 3 or at least a Dark Cloud HD collection rerelease for PS3. On the release days of the Wrath of the White Witch fans of the Dark Cloud franchise should once and for all send the message to the company that there is still interest in the title or at least a HD collection of the classic titles. If we unite together on these days in 2013 it will at least leave no excuse that no interest has been shown for development of the game.
It's important that this planned and not rushed into. Posting this it is currently December and we are deciding to take action in January 2013 when Wrath of the White Witch is released. So please do not start spamming Level-5 until the date mentioned earlier. For now look below the ways to start getting involved and ready for January. Raise awareness, know friends online or in real life who loved the game, get them involved. Yes it's an old game but if you were truly a fan of the game and you remember how truly underrated and special of an RPG it was you should be willing to do this. Thank you

But how are we going to do that????
1) The best way for Dark Cloud fans to communicate is via facebook. Forums from my experience do not notify when someone responds.
If you have a facebook account please join the following group
Or search Dark Cloud 3.
I say group instead of pages because groups are more effective as a form of communication whilst pages are more useful news updates. The group has the following image for reference when searching:

And don't forget to like the Level-5 official page and send them a message
A screenshot of the Facebook page for the official Level-5 American Website, where the red circle is is where you can message them! 

2) Twitter
This is perhaps the best way because we can start to get a trend going. However we are also hoping to get people to post a photo of themselves holding  a copy of the dark cloud or dark cloud 2 game. This shows proof we still love and cherish the games and doesn't make it seem like pointless spam. When doing the trend place the hastag #darkcloud3 and make sure to @ at the following people from Level-5. They do not use twitter that much so you have to @ them!
This twitter account is for the creator of Level-5- Akihiro Hino
The official American Level-5 Twitter account
3) Email
Lots of people have already emailed Level-5 about their desire for a sequel to Dark Cloud 3 and never receive a response. But it doesn't hurt sending one to show there is still interest in January 2013.
                                  The screen you should see for the american website when contacting them

4) Fan art, letters and photos of holding the dark cloud merchandise, cosplay photos, video game, guides etc...
If you have fan art, post it to the facebook group mentioned earlier or send it to me via twitter. If you did a cosplay of one of the characters from the game, still have a copy of the video game GET A CAMERA AND TAKE A PHOTO!!!! It's all well saying to Level-5 we want a game but we need to show we're not a spammers but people who actually genuinely loved the treasure they made with proof. Having an actual copy you bought, a video game guide, a cosplay you made inspired by their game .
Some examples of  what I mean are shown to the left. Cosplay photo of Dark Cloud 2 is credited and belongs to sesshouga. Deviant art page where image can be found is
Fan art of Dark Cloud 1 belongs and credited to Neko-Krys. Deviant art page where image can be found is

Now there's no excuse for you or Level-5 for that matter! 

You have the tools before you, the resources, the ideas also we're open to new ideas too. After January 2013 I will have done my part officially for being a Dark Cloud fan. For those of you who think it's too late all I have to say is that there is nothing to lose. This game series was so underrated and left in the shadow by many competing RPG series when it had so much more to offer. To get Level-5 to consider even a HD rerelease and relive the magic again is something worth fighting for. Thank you for your time. If you need to contact me for ideas or anything to do with this project please do not hesitate to send a tweet to my twitter page link is below.


Sunday 16 September 2012

Turning 20 in a week

Thoughts on turning Twenty

I'm honestly not looking forward to my 20th birthday. But I made a promise to myself for my twenty-first birthday that I'm going to work hard to make sure that it doesn't end up as an uneventful one again.

Why are you not looking forward to turning Twenty?

1. September is a very awkward time to turn 20 and celebrate it when everyone is busy returning to school, work or returning to university. I already know not to expect anything for this upcoming one.

2. I don't have a money. I was planning to initially visit a theme park with friends but this summer a lot of unexpected things happened. The housing situation was a stressful matter that cost deeply and used all my savings which I will be following up when I return to Uni. As well as searching for a new house, forking out for a retake I'm broke and there are still no jobs. 

3. I've been on Earth for two decades and I don't feel like I've lived yet which is not good but thankfully I'm working towards that. 

It's depressing that I've had to cancel a lot of things lately. I had to cancel seeing a lot of friends, particularly a cosplay meetup for a picnic, reunions and other events because of both financial and health reasons. It doesn't help recently I got diagnosed with another untreatable condition by the GP. My health and my financial status haven't been good but even then I haven't lost hope.  I just want people to know I haven't forgotten them or someone who breaks promises, it's just I'm going through a bit of a tough time and just need understanding.

But there's good news. My health has improved with this new medication and I'm enjoying some new TV series and looking forward to Law and Order SVU and Gossip Girl premiering so that in itself is a lovely bday present to look forward to, also J.K. Rowling's new book is coming out this September so it's not unhappy faces all around. :)

By 21...

By 21 I'm hoping my secret project will be finished to its first level by then. Today I finished the first part of the secret project. In a year I so happy to have accomplished this. I still cannot say what it is at the moment but I am so excited to share it with all of you when the time comes nearer. 

Sunday 9 September 2012

Rita Ora is the BOMB!

I'm loving Rita Ora's new album

Rita Ora is an artist/ musician who's just become number 1 in the UK charts with her debut album, 'Ora', she  has also appeared recently as a judge on the X Factor. I heard her quite a long time ago with her single, 'Hot Right Now'. When I heard it I loved it straightaway and I thought to myself its such a shame this artist hasn't got an album yet or the spotlight they deserve. I'm so glad she's finally getting it. Since then she's released R.I.P featuring Tinie Tempah that has clocked a lot of views on Vevo, How We Do (Party). Even BeyoncĂ© has been addicted to one of her songs and my current addiction is 'Roc the Life'.
She's so good, you've only been shown one eye. For more you have to buy the album :O

Roc the Life!

I love this song, particularly the chorus. If you haven't heard it check it out below. I really do hope it's her next single. Other than that congratulations Rita Ora! :)

Sunday 2 September 2012

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

Square Enix have announced another sequel to Final Fantasy XIII...(But its not what you think)

Okay it is what you think but still its different to what we initially expected. Instead of conforming to expectations, Square Enix have announced a new title for the Final Fantasy XIII series called 'Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII'. So yes, its what we've expected, another sequel to FFXIII (which some will groan and shake their heads to whilst others will draw a smiley face). But its not called Final Fantasy XIII-3 and the experience of the game sounds completely different to what we've experienced to either XIII or XIII-2.
                     The logo for the announced entry to the ongoing tale of bloody cocoon and pulse etc.

So is it a sequel or spin off?

Well in a way it is a sequel in terms of it takes place hundreds of years later after XIII-2. But its being considered as a spin-off due to the title and the departure in terms of game play. Only time will tell. In a way some gamers are interested with the many changes involved for this game its brought hope. For me I would love a conclusion to the cliffhanger of XIII-2 but I guess only time will tell.
The plot of the story according to wikipedia is so far:
"Several hundred years following the ending of Final Fantasy XIII-2, Lightning awakens on a chain of islands known as Novus Partus, floating in the Sea of Chaos. The sprawling islands serve as a last refuge for humanity and the world which was Pulse, while the new Cocoon hovers in the sky above. With only thirteen days left until the world ends,Lightning must fight to save it"

Novus Partus is Latin for 'New Births' which is certainly the feeling we're getting from all the images and gameplay description given so far. 

So what do we know so far?

-The story takes place 100 years after XIII-2 finishes in a world, Novus Partus a world made up of four islands connected by a monorail in what's being described as a 'gothical, mechanical and fantasy' style. 

-Lightning will need to save the world in 13 days in real-time. Quests and missions can reverse the clock that counts down to Doomsday. Upon hearing this it sounds like L save the world a bit if your familiar with the Death Note series.

- Gameplay will depart from the previous two entries in terms of the ATB system. Lighting can finally be moved by the game player, able to attack, block in real time without the use of a menu. So goodbye pressing automatic x button that decides the whole entire gameplay.

-Character customization ~ So Lightning's costume can be changed altering her battle techniques and so forth. The image below shows a few of the ways Lightning's costume will change.

                                              Spot the difference puzzles!!!! Huzzah! ^^

- Time will play a huge role in this entry as well. Lightning will be able to use moves such as 'Overclock' to slow down time during a fight. This will be interesting to see how it plays out.

- Worlds will interchange between day and night as time passes. (I guess to give that feeling that Doomsday is approaching but its a great extra to the game)

- Lightning will be the only main character. So to those who hate her. I'm so sorry but you'd better skip this entry. (For those of you wanting to see Noel or Serah or that cute moogle forget it me thinks)

-It will be the last entry to the Lightning Saga (I think)

-The game will be released some point in 2013.

- More details to be released on September 4th so watch out!

                                                       'The World of Novus Partus Artwork'

No news on Final Fantasy Versus XIII

Square Enix have kindly requested their fans that they're being impatient and to wait for the game alittle longer. I mean honestly final fantasy fans. It's not like you've been waiting six years. What's another year or two to add to the wait? :) The only statement released being:
"I talked to Hashimoto-san about various things. It seems that Versus XIII won't be at TGS. They are concentrating all their resources into the conclusion of the Lightning saga and FFXIV"
You know Square Enix. If Noctis was your son to be born unto the gameplaying world and Lightning is your daughter. All I got to say is you've done a terrible job in showing love is not biased. Sorry Noctis. Lightning needs another story rehashed out the bag. You got to wait.
"Sorry but we need to focus on Lightning, she's got something special happening"
Regardless of that. Forget Versus XIII. Until there's a release date, pretend its on holiday. Put it on the back of your mind.
On top of that no Type-0 has been released overseas. So no change there as well.
In the meantime enjoy some more teasing of concept art of Noctis. 

To conclude...

Good news for Lightning Fans. Not so good news for people expecting other news. 

Friday 24 August 2012

Gossip Girl Sixth and Final Season

What is Gossip Girl?

For those of you who don't know, Gossip Girl is a TV series based loosely on the novel series by Cecily von Ziegesar. The plot is based on Upper East Side of Manhattan, New York revolving around the lives of the wealthy and powerful as scandal surrounds them. The story is told through a mysterious blogger who is known by the name as 'Gossip Girl'. Hence the title.
                                                                    Series Logo

How did you discover it?

I discovered Gossip Girl by complete accident. Being bored in Uni, having finished all the Law and Order: SVU episodes and getting fed up of watching Dr House being sarcastic every single second I decided to click on a TV series that kept being shown on the homepage of the site I watch TV series to catch up. I watched the first episode of Gossip Girl and goodness me. The narrator of the opening made me want to close the screen right there, right then. But I stuck through and finished the episode pretty much enjoying it. So I decided to watch episode 2, I was still wondering why am I watching this? The narrator is really annoying and the characters are very shallow and annoying. But by episode 3, I had become addicted and have since then finished season 5 and rewatched the entire 5 seasons again, planning to get the complete boxset after the fated sixth season finishes.

The Cast of Gossip Girl from right to left: Serena Van Der Woosen (Blake Lively), Jenny Humphrey (Taylor Momsen), Chuck Bass (Ed Westwick),Blair Waldorf, (portrayed by Leighton Meester), Dan Humphrey (Penn Badgley), Vanessa Abrams (Jessica Sozhr) and Nate Archibald (played by Chace Crawford).  

Gossip Girl is like marmite and also like hard chocolate. I say its like Marmite, because with Gossip Girl you will either Love it or Hate it. And I say its like hard chocolate, because you have to sit through a couple of episodes before you get into it, like letting chocolate melt in your mouth to be able to taste the flavour. At first you'll think, meh this show is abit too dramatized but after a while BAM! Your hooked, like an acid pop addict is addicted to hard acid pop.
Some people use Twitter, I use Google news personally, Upper East Siders use Gossip Girl for the latest news...

What do you like about Gossip Girl?

1. It's different to what I usually watch, that being fantasy, sci-fi etc. Showing it to Kaerith, she enjoyed it but found it very dramatizing at times. But I enjoyed the drama, even when it got completely ridiculous and out of hand at times, that's what made it addictive. It never got boring, and seeing the lives of rich people in New York is hardly dull with hormone driven teenagers sending secrets to a blogger who loves to ruin people's lives.
Kaerith rather enjoyed seeing Chace Crawford portray Nate Archibald

2. The characters~ from the Van der Woosens, to the Humpreys, the Waldorfs and Archibalds etc there is always a character facing a problem or will appeal to the viewer. I loved Blake Lively playing Serena Van Der Woosen, and Kaerith enjoyed the eye-candy of Nate Archibald. I'm guessing this is one of the ways how this series gets its TV ratings. As well as the main characters, the guest characters certainly shake the plot a lot.
Upper East Side, New York
Little Fact: Did you know Lady Gaga grew up in the Upper West Side? Not relevant to Upper East but there ya go :)

3. :O This face that I made just now :O This is what happens pretty much every episode, there never goes an episode without 10 major big things happening all at once that you just go :O And the cliffhangers always leave you going :O
Serena pushes Blair into a cake for calling her basically a slut. :O

4. Comedy~ Gossip Girl makes me laugh a lot. Whether its Blair having her face shoved into a cake by Serena to Rufu's impression of Lily to help Serena with confessing to her mum she's no longer going to Uni. There so many clever one liners and the recurring lines such as , "I'm Chuck Bass!".

5. Important lessons~ You may be thinking I must be looking too deeply into this series if you haven't watched it but there's a lot of messages conveyed that are true. I can't list them all without spoiling the plot but one example I can think off the top of my head is when Serena looks for a job in season 3 and when she finds one, her mum tells her the only reason this woman hired you is because of your connections and you were easy to manipulated. Why else would she employ a teenager with no experience?
And at times in the series there are moments where something shocking happens, courtesy of Gossip Girl but there's always severe consequences. I think of the moment in season 2 in which Blair learns the meaning of her actions when spreading a rumour that Dan was having an affair with a teacher.
                                          Revenge is a common theme in the series...

Gossip girl entering its last season. :(

With Gossip Girl finishing this year, 2012, yes I know SAD FACE! :( I'm a little disappointed the last season is receiving only 10 episodes to close the series. Not only is this short considering the many loose ends that need to be tied left at the climax of season 5 but also it doesn't show CW doing any good justice to the series that brought them in their viewers. But at least we're receiving a resolution instead of cancellation. I just wish we could have gotten some more episodes, but no point crying over spilt milk.

What do you want at the end?

Rewatching Gossip Girl, I really do miss the beginning of the series where things were more simple. I miss the days Dan and Serena were together and how sweet and simple things were. How Jenny got along with Serena before, Lily and Rufus acted like a team and gave such wonderful parental advice to the teenage characters about life instead of petty fighting over an apartment. At the end of season 5, things had taken 5 steps back in terms of character development. In terms of plot it was interesting but character wise it was a bit of a let down. The only character that hasn't become horrible, is just Nate Archibald and Derota (Blair's maid). It was painful to see everyone turning against each other when in Season 1,2 and half of season 3 no matter what obstacles and problems came people's way friends stuck as friends and families were there for each other. Now its all twisted and let's hope season 6 sorts this.

Secondly, and I don't think it will happen. But I would love to see in the last episode all the characters reunite one last time including Jenny Humphrey, Vanessa Abrams and Eric Van Der Woosen. I know the actors are busy with their own projects but it would be wonderful for one last time to see everyone getting one last screen appearance together resolving their differences and issues. 

Thirdly, WHO IS GOSSIP GIRL? I mean its annoying how we were tricked to thinking a few times it was one of the characters on screen but who is it? I would personally find it hilarious if its Bart Bass.
                                            Kristen Bell voiced the narrator enigma, Gossip Girl
Which brings us to forth: end couples...

Endgame couples

First things first. We want Chair. Chuck and Blair need to be together. If everything blows up in season 6 just allow one good thing to happen and that's these two. Secondly, I want to see Dan and Serena together. Season 1 was where it started. The things they said to each other and did made them a true genuine couple.
The complicated Love scribble over five seasons of GG :O

I honestly wouldn't mind if Nate ended up with Serena and Dan ended up with Vanessa, (that's if Jessica Sozhr decides to show up for one last guest appearance). I just would like to see the characters happy and reach a resolution to their story.

Five years of GG

And that's it. Thank you CW for 5 years of crazy storytelling from the I am Chuck Bass one liners, Derota's rescues, Blair's scheming, Georgina's worse scheming, Lily's "Keep Calm and Carry on" mantra despite everything blowing up again and the most entertaining series I've watched in awhile. Thank you to the writers, to Cecily von Ziegesar for starting it all, all the actors and actresses. And with that. Here's to season 6.
Counting down to October 8th 2012!
                                              Let's hope everyone's got smiles at the end :D

                                               Signing off!
