Thursday 26 July 2012

Alter Ego: Ziggy Cloud born

What is an alter ego?

An alter ego comes from Latin, 'The other I'. In other words, a second self of a person that is distinctly different from a person's normal or original personality. 

For those who know me...

In real life people know me as normal and boring, Adam. On the internet I call myself TokyoDreamer9, reasons for why I discussed a few months back on this blog. I have an eccentric side that appears when I become bored, hence why making this blog, to channel all that frustration resulting in me going mad to something possibly creative and time-fulfilling. But recently I got annoyed by some people and decided to take the side of me that is crazy and eccentric and make it an alternate persona to myself. In real life I have to put on a brave face sometimes and be polite with people a lot even when they're rude to me. I decided if I made another persona that was not me, I could start changing a bit more. This has been done by quite a few people I notice including Beyoncé when it came to performing as Sasha Fierce to get on stage. But I'm not performing, this is just to deal with life in general and also when people decide to walk all over me I can open my mouth and give them a thought or two.

Such silly reasoning :/

Well...its just....
Screw you!
See what I did there. Just turned to Ziggy. Now go make a remix of how bad your life is.
If you always think the following:
What will people think of me if I say that? I don't want to hurt that person's feelings. I don't want to be rude. To the extent your feelings are not taken into consideration you need to say No.

If you don't know what I'm talking about. Congratulations, you've reached it. YOU DA BOSS!

For some reason its Ziggy Cloud.

Don't ask me why, Ziggy chose it and that's all I can say. Other than that. Yes.

TokyoDreamer9 Vs Ziggy C.


  1. Hey TokyoDreamer9 - big hugs from your favourite MadPerson ;) xoxox

