Thursday, 9 February 2012

Diary Log Entry #1 9th February 2012 Life sucks basically!!!

Right, I'm starting this project of doing a diary and seeing whether I can do it or not so here I go.
Dear Diary (that shouldn't be posted on the internet),
I decided to post my personal problems on thy blog because alas telling them to people is not always good and also I have no money for a counsellor. Anyway here's what I thought about today...
Today was quite a tiring day. All my lectures were too boring to listen to, I really shouldn't say that but they were. Ever since coming to university I have found that I feel like I'm taking a step backwards in learning. Who was the genius that thought, yes let's have one person talk for 45 minutes straight at a class of 200 people yabbering on and on without any interaction with the audience. In secondary school, I remember we used to have the teacher talk for a certain period of time and then stop and allow us to discuss it with a partner and then go around and ask the students whether they understood etc. I guess that's why they call it a lecture, it's meant to be called that because it's usually associated with the words 'dry', 'dull' and 'boring'.
Anyway what else happened today. I made pasta, and mixed it with some sauce that was red and just checked is call Harwood's Kan Po sauce. Wow! What a name. Anyway not buying it again, made my mouth burn with all those chillis.
I'm stuck on coursework...... and I think I'm going to stay stuck for quite awhile.......
And I'm still hooked on Law and Order SVU. I'm watching season 4 at the moment, it's been okay season 4 but I gotta say the second half was alot better. The first half made my brain hurt as it got too confusing with the plot. I like crime stories like this: murder+ cops+ finding killer+ trial+ twist= good plot. Murder+cops+finding killer+not right killer+ another case+ what's going on now+ trial+ ends randomly= Right Law and Order, bless you but I didnt understand where that plot was going.
I decided to also update my blog because it's just been sitting there gathering dust and I decided to revolutionise it abit. Add some spices here and there.
And lastly today I have been looking for jobs. Why oh why is it hard to find jobs. If it's not the fact that it's too far away, or you need  a car, or certain specific skills, or that it's full-time and your kind of a student and can't make those hours. And I'm really fed up of every con-man on the internet going: Hey There! I can show you how to make tons of money overnight. So yes, there's alot of problems at the moment. But where there's problems there is always a solution and I'm going to just keep putting on my poker face and hope that solution is grinning like a cheshire cat just around the corner.
Night night
This is TokyoDreamer9 ending his rant for the day.
Au revoir

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