Sunday 9 September 2012

Rita Ora is the BOMB!

I'm loving Rita Ora's new album

Rita Ora is an artist/ musician who's just become number 1 in the UK charts with her debut album, 'Ora', she  has also appeared recently as a judge on the X Factor. I heard her quite a long time ago with her single, 'Hot Right Now'. When I heard it I loved it straightaway and I thought to myself its such a shame this artist hasn't got an album yet or the spotlight they deserve. I'm so glad she's finally getting it. Since then she's released R.I.P featuring Tinie Tempah that has clocked a lot of views on Vevo, How We Do (Party). Even BeyoncĂ© has been addicted to one of her songs and my current addiction is 'Roc the Life'.
She's so good, you've only been shown one eye. For more you have to buy the album :O

Roc the Life!

I love this song, particularly the chorus. If you haven't heard it check it out below. I really do hope it's her next single. Other than that congratulations Rita Ora! :)

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