Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Trolling gone out of control~ Case 1: Plastic Bieber

Today we do a psychological case overview of another infamous troll: @PlasticBieber 

Who's Plastic Bieber?

Hey everyone, sorry I haven't posted in awhile. But today wanted to post on my blog about a certain troll the internet is exploding about, who's only known by the name of Plastic Bieber. Plastic Bieber is a person on twitter who posts the most vilest tweets I have seen in awhile. I only discovered this unfortunate creature when going onto facebook. Being a 19 year old male, you will find I am not a fan of Justin Bieber or One Direction and yet I do not hate them as other people do. They have talent and I like two of Justin Bieber's songs due to them being catchy. (Catchy songs are my weakness, including Friday by Rebecca Black, Swagger Jagger by Cher  ) You get the picture. I just prefer other artists such as Rihanna and Jay-Z etc but anyway back to Plastic Bieber. So I only discovered this person via a meme on facebook, apparently she's been doing this for quite some time. 

How did you find out about this troll, I mean person :O

I was on facebook and I came across a meme, it was a rather disturbing meme..
After seeing this, I googled to check if this was some kind of  horrible joke
No such luck alas. It turns out this PlasticBieber is as real as a duck. And the worst thing is her or his twitter account is still working. Twitter has not blocked this bot (I say bot because a normal human being would have something called empathy?) and the level of harassment and pure vulgarity in her tweets makes me stumped at how she hasn't been deactivated by twitter.

Aren't you overeacting? XD

Here are some of the tweets that Plastic Bieber has posted that made my skin crawl and go >.<.
"Retweet if you're tired of gay, black, handicapped, fat, Muslim, and people taking up all your air"
(Surprisingly 108 retweets :/ Very worrying)
"One time I was dreaming Justin was raping me and it was so hot but my dumb bitch of a mother woke me up in the middle of it for school ugh"
And the list goes on, some are silly, childish, others raise an eyebrow and some go too far.

 Now let's pretend this poor misguided creature has posted this in a troubled past and has now turned a new leaf. Well today is 8th August 2012 as I'm writing this, underneath is a screenshot of her profile and we shall see how she's doing today.
Some people post once a month, some a couple days, and some every second. Unfortunately, this person posts ever few hours...
Well, the trolling just continues alas. You can clearly see an inspiration for the tweets in the photos section, with Regina Johnson from Mean Girls. That explains a lot me thinks. A wannabe Plastic? Maybe she's role playing Regina Johnson? And one of her tweets quotes the film, even the name is a dead giveaway. Plastic? Ringing bells.

Why would you think twitter would deactivate her/him? Free speech, its also Twitter, people say what they wanna say.

I say this because recently on the news there were articles making headlines about twitter accounts being suspended due to Olympics controversy. I'm talking about that scandal that involved the man throwing abuse towards Tom Daley after he failed to secure the gold medal for Great Britain in diving or the journalist who posted a public email address of an NBC executive to complain about their covering of the Olympics which caused suspension of the account due to violation of 'privacy' even though the email address is clearly shown on the NBC website for contact details.
If all this fuss is made about twitter cyberbullying and suspension of accounts for violation of posting public email addresses because it revolves around the Olympics, then surely something should be done about this person.

And yet, we still have this horrible, horrible person on twitter.

It's just a troll, get over it.

I honestly do believe this is a troll, no question about it. But I still don't think they should have a twitter account. Trolling is the internet slang/ word for people doing something, saying something outrageous that people think is genuine, but the joke is on them because they are just pretending. I don't mind trolling when it revolves around harmless fun and makes funny memes and puts a smile on people's faces at the end of the day. There is good trolling which I classify as no harm intended and then there's bad trolling, one deliberately intended to provoke people in a horrible way, say the most terrible, controversial things like that infamous girl (who has now deleted her youtube account) posted a video talking about Lady gaga's single Judas being evil.
  Another troll: This girl hated the single Judas by Lady Gaga. Sadly, I couldn't get her name because she took down her youtube video. 8 million views the video received and she was trolling like a cheshire cat who's frowning on monkey juice. 

It's an eleven year old called Jessica

Okay first things first. We have no idea, who this person is. Every photo you see posted by them could be a lie. For all we know, Plastic Bieber could be a 40 year old man, or a 17 year old boy or heck a computer bot. If it is an eleven year old girl, that really concerns me for a lot of reasons.
Girls that age using twitter at such a young age and posting tweets talking about sex, rape, abortion, profanity and verbal abuse and so forth makes me raise an eyebrow. I honestly think it is someone a lot older than they say they are who knows exactly what they are saying and doing. 
Eleven year old girls the last time I checked, (I have four younger sisters), are busy playing games, being creative on art projects, reading books, seeing friends, having fun doing kids things. Unless I'm really being behind the times and the age eleven is the new seventeen in which its now the new trend to start sexting as this person has claimed. 
If it is an eleven year old girl. Someone needs to tell her parent, ban laptop use, give her some discipline and possibly a shrink. Nuff said.

To those wishing to take her down

If you want to take down Plastic Bieber in the most kindest way possible. Ignore her. People like these are all over Twitter and its quite simple what they desire. Attention. Even its through the worst ways possible.
You have to be clever because your falling into a trap. Lately we have had a lot of people becoming famous for the wrong reasons whether it was the Double Take girls doing 'Hot Problem's' going viral due to people so badly needing to sharing it and not because it was good but because it was just plain awful. 

Whenever you post a youtube video ranting about her, you increase awareness of her. It also bugs me how this person has 64,000 followers. If you are following to see what he/she is tweeting next, STOP FOLLOWING, and stop replying to her tweets or retweeting her. Heck start a trend such as #Unfollowplasticbieber or something. 

Especially if it is a troll. They will love the attention, and get off on it, finding it the entertainment of their life. When they get no attention, that's like turning off the TV for a spoilt child. 

 The troll image~ don't we miss the days of the internet when what people said is what they actually meant. :/

Final Thoughts

The only reason I posted this article is because I've had the final straw with trolling. The number of time twitter has come on the news because of cyberbullying and what not is getting to the point of ridiculous. People are becoming so bored they need to verbal abuse to people they've never met not even face to face like a man but via a tweet. They need to grow up, chill, do something to get rid of their boredom and do something. Watch the Olympics, do the gardening, heck learn a new recipe, just stop harassing people on twitter and our psychological case is over. 
Good night and Adieu

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