Sunday, 16 September 2012

Turning 20 in a week

Thoughts on turning Twenty

I'm honestly not looking forward to my 20th birthday. But I made a promise to myself for my twenty-first birthday that I'm going to work hard to make sure that it doesn't end up as an uneventful one again.

Why are you not looking forward to turning Twenty?

1. September is a very awkward time to turn 20 and celebrate it when everyone is busy returning to school, work or returning to university. I already know not to expect anything for this upcoming one.

2. I don't have a money. I was planning to initially visit a theme park with friends but this summer a lot of unexpected things happened. The housing situation was a stressful matter that cost deeply and used all my savings which I will be following up when I return to Uni. As well as searching for a new house, forking out for a retake I'm broke and there are still no jobs. 

3. I've been on Earth for two decades and I don't feel like I've lived yet which is not good but thankfully I'm working towards that. 

It's depressing that I've had to cancel a lot of things lately. I had to cancel seeing a lot of friends, particularly a cosplay meetup for a picnic, reunions and other events because of both financial and health reasons. It doesn't help recently I got diagnosed with another untreatable condition by the GP. My health and my financial status haven't been good but even then I haven't lost hope.  I just want people to know I haven't forgotten them or someone who breaks promises, it's just I'm going through a bit of a tough time and just need understanding.

But there's good news. My health has improved with this new medication and I'm enjoying some new TV series and looking forward to Law and Order SVU and Gossip Girl premiering so that in itself is a lovely bday present to look forward to, also J.K. Rowling's new book is coming out this September so it's not unhappy faces all around. :)

By 21...

By 21 I'm hoping my secret project will be finished to its first level by then. Today I finished the first part of the secret project. In a year I so happy to have accomplished this. I still cannot say what it is at the moment but I am so excited to share it with all of you when the time comes nearer. 

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Rita Ora is the BOMB!

I'm loving Rita Ora's new album

Rita Ora is an artist/ musician who's just become number 1 in the UK charts with her debut album, 'Ora', she  has also appeared recently as a judge on the X Factor. I heard her quite a long time ago with her single, 'Hot Right Now'. When I heard it I loved it straightaway and I thought to myself its such a shame this artist hasn't got an album yet or the spotlight they deserve. I'm so glad she's finally getting it. Since then she's released R.I.P featuring Tinie Tempah that has clocked a lot of views on Vevo, How We Do (Party). Even BeyoncĂ© has been addicted to one of her songs and my current addiction is 'Roc the Life'.
She's so good, you've only been shown one eye. For more you have to buy the album :O

Roc the Life!

I love this song, particularly the chorus. If you haven't heard it check it out below. I really do hope it's her next single. Other than that congratulations Rita Ora! :)

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

Square Enix have announced another sequel to Final Fantasy XIII...(But its not what you think)

Okay it is what you think but still its different to what we initially expected. Instead of conforming to expectations, Square Enix have announced a new title for the Final Fantasy XIII series called 'Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII'. So yes, its what we've expected, another sequel to FFXIII (which some will groan and shake their heads to whilst others will draw a smiley face). But its not called Final Fantasy XIII-3 and the experience of the game sounds completely different to what we've experienced to either XIII or XIII-2.
                     The logo for the announced entry to the ongoing tale of bloody cocoon and pulse etc.

So is it a sequel or spin off?

Well in a way it is a sequel in terms of it takes place hundreds of years later after XIII-2. But its being considered as a spin-off due to the title and the departure in terms of game play. Only time will tell. In a way some gamers are interested with the many changes involved for this game its brought hope. For me I would love a conclusion to the cliffhanger of XIII-2 but I guess only time will tell.
The plot of the story according to wikipedia is so far:
"Several hundred years following the ending of Final Fantasy XIII-2, Lightning awakens on a chain of islands known as Novus Partus, floating in the Sea of Chaos. The sprawling islands serve as a last refuge for humanity and the world which was Pulse, while the new Cocoon hovers in the sky above. With only thirteen days left until the world ends,Lightning must fight to save it"

Novus Partus is Latin for 'New Births' which is certainly the feeling we're getting from all the images and gameplay description given so far. 

So what do we know so far?

-The story takes place 100 years after XIII-2 finishes in a world, Novus Partus a world made up of four islands connected by a monorail in what's being described as a 'gothical, mechanical and fantasy' style. 

-Lightning will need to save the world in 13 days in real-time. Quests and missions can reverse the clock that counts down to Doomsday. Upon hearing this it sounds like L save the world a bit if your familiar with the Death Note series.

- Gameplay will depart from the previous two entries in terms of the ATB system. Lighting can finally be moved by the game player, able to attack, block in real time without the use of a menu. So goodbye pressing automatic x button that decides the whole entire gameplay.

-Character customization ~ So Lightning's costume can be changed altering her battle techniques and so forth. The image below shows a few of the ways Lightning's costume will change.

                                              Spot the difference puzzles!!!! Huzzah! ^^

- Time will play a huge role in this entry as well. Lightning will be able to use moves such as 'Overclock' to slow down time during a fight. This will be interesting to see how it plays out.

- Worlds will interchange between day and night as time passes. (I guess to give that feeling that Doomsday is approaching but its a great extra to the game)

- Lightning will be the only main character. So to those who hate her. I'm so sorry but you'd better skip this entry. (For those of you wanting to see Noel or Serah or that cute moogle forget it me thinks)

-It will be the last entry to the Lightning Saga (I think)

-The game will be released some point in 2013.

- More details to be released on September 4th so watch out!

                                                       'The World of Novus Partus Artwork'

No news on Final Fantasy Versus XIII

Square Enix have kindly requested their fans that they're being impatient and to wait for the game alittle longer. I mean honestly final fantasy fans. It's not like you've been waiting six years. What's another year or two to add to the wait? :) The only statement released being:
"I talked to Hashimoto-san about various things. It seems that Versus XIII won't be at TGS. They are concentrating all their resources into the conclusion of the Lightning saga and FFXIV"
You know Square Enix. If Noctis was your son to be born unto the gameplaying world and Lightning is your daughter. All I got to say is you've done a terrible job in showing love is not biased. Sorry Noctis. Lightning needs another story rehashed out the bag. You got to wait.
"Sorry but we need to focus on Lightning, she's got something special happening"
Regardless of that. Forget Versus XIII. Until there's a release date, pretend its on holiday. Put it on the back of your mind.
On top of that no Type-0 has been released overseas. So no change there as well.
In the meantime enjoy some more teasing of concept art of Noctis. 

To conclude...

Good news for Lightning Fans. Not so good news for people expecting other news. 