I'm a massive fan of Clamp, xxxHolic being one of my favourites. Yuuko is just beautiful, the kimono designs, the japanese folklore/ spiritual mythology, and by far its some of the most stunning art done by CLAMP showing how far they have come in two decades. Its amazing to see how far xxxHolic has come, starting in Young Magazine in 2003 ending in 2011 Bessatsu Magazine taking over for the last run. The sister series Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles having ended a year earlier nearly ended dreadfully, the ending before the epilogue chapter was interpreted by fans as the last chapter. xxxHolic ended officially on its 213th chapter with quite an unusual ending. If you don't want spoliers, you have been warned. Watanuki using his strongest magical powers finds out what the dream is about. He sees Yuuko, who doesn't speak a word (which is a shame but a nice bit of fanservice since the departure of Yuuko in volume 15). However, she shows a bird cage, the bird inside is freed by a butterfly. Watanuki realizes that the sacrifice he made with syaoran earlier in the series has now been paid and he can now leave the shop, also realizing alot of time has passed, approxiamately 100 years. Oh okay 100 years, hang on a secondWHAT O.o Then we see Watanuki talk to Domeki, but its not him its his great grandson. Watanuki tells him that he saw Yuuko and that he's free to leave the shop but he's choosing to still wait for Yuuko. We then see that the grandson of Domeki has an egg and if he uses it Watanuki will forget Yuuko, but this might be too painful for him. The End. WHATTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My biggest disappointment is Himawari and Watanuki didn't get together. The ending certainly was not a fanservice, many fans were upset at the WatanukixDomeki pairing being ruined. Let's hope xxxHolic Rou eases our worries.